Thursday, September 19 2024 | ASIA TODAY INTERNATIONAL - Reporting the Business that Matters in Asia
Coface in Australia
The Coface Group, a worldwide leader in credit insurance, offers companies around the globe solutions to protect them against the risk of financial default of their clients, both on the domestic market and for export. Present directly or indirectly in 100 countries, it secures transactions of 40,000 companies in more than 200 countries.
In France, Coface manages export public guarantees on behalf of the French State..
In Australia, Coface has been advising and supporting companies through the process of providing security and management of their domestic and export trade receivables since 2000.
In Asia Pacific, we operate in 12 markets - both directly and through partners.
What we do?
At Coface, our main mission is to insure your business against unpaid invoices and reduced profitability.
Our Credit Insurance products protect companies from the unnecessary cost and inconvenience of late payment and customer insolvency.
Coface credit insurance products offer three essential benefits:
- Prevention of bad debts
- Collection of unpaid invoices
- Cashflow replacement
Level 10, 68 York Stress, SYDNEY NSW 2000, AUSTRALIA
tel +61 2 8235 8600, email
Level 11, South Tower, 459 Collins Street, MELBOURNE VIC 3000, AUSTRALIA
tel +61 3 9691 7600, email