Visiting new places and travelling in style top list of favourite perks
SYDNEY - Australians are more likely to love business travel than Americans, Britons and Canadians, according to an international survey commissioned by Chrome River, a leading expense management solutions provider.
Eight of every 10 Australian business travellers said they were satisfied with the quality of business travel provided by their employer, and Australians were 25% more likely to be “very satisfied” with business travel then their counterparts in the U.S. and Canada.
The research also revealed a strong correlation between travellers’ perception of their employer’s travel expense policy and overall travel satisfaction.
Those who viewed their companies’ travel policies as providing the highest quality travel services and the most traveller flexibility had almost universal (97%) satisfaction with business travel. At the other end, almost 70% of those who viewed their policies as more restrictive and inflexible had a negative view of their business travel experience.
Almost a third of Australian business travellers (32%) said their favourite aspect of business travel was the ability to see new places, with a further 21% saying that the ability to travel in style at their employer’s expense was the number one benefit.
While 16% most appreciated the ability to add leisure days to a business trip, only 3% cited spending time with colleagues as the best part of business travel – compared to 15% of Americans.
When asked the least favourite aspect of business travel, almost a third of Australians said that spending time away from family wa the number one drawback, while one in five saw jet-lag as the biggest drawback. Another 15% most disliked the overall experience of flying, and 12% dreaded the expense report they needed to submit at the end of the trip.
The survey covered almost 1,500 business travellers across Australia, Britain, Canada and the United States during the (northern) summer of 2017. www.chromeriver.com (ATI).