Tuesday, February 18 2025 | ASIA TODAY INTERNATIONAL - Reporting the Business that Matters in Asia
Consulate of Malaysia
Consulate General of Malaysia - Perth - 252 Adelaide Terrace, Perth WA 6000, tel (61 8) 9225-7055, fax (61 8) 9225-7099 (General) (61 8) 9225-7533 (Immigration), email mwperth@kln.gov.my ; mwperth@cgmperth.net ; web www.kln.gov.my/perwakilan/perth Contact - Nazarudin Jaafar, Consul-General.
Consulate General of Malaysia - Melbourne - Level 1, 432 St Kilda Road, Melbourne, VIC 3004, tel (61 3) 9573-5400 /5403, fax (61 3) 9866-6204, email mwmelbourne@kln.gov.my web www.kln.gov.my/perwakilan/melbourne Contact - Westmoreland Palon, Consul-General.
Consulate General of Malaysia - Sydney - Education Malaysia Australia (EMAS), 67 Victoria Road, Belleveu Hill NSW 2023, tel (61 2) 9327-7565 /9326-1204, fax (61 2) 9363-1257, email contact@ema.org.au web www.ema.org.au Contact - Mohd Khalil Zaiyany Sumiran, Director.