SYDNEY – More Australian travel providers are widening their service offerings for visitors from China. Experience Oz (www.experienceoz.com.au) says it is the first Australian travel experience provider to launch a fully-functional Chinese-language site into which it has incorporated payment through the Chinese credit card system UnionPay. There is also Chinese-language phone support for information and booking help.
Clint Gudenswager, GM of Expeience Oz, says the Chinese version of the site taps into a growing desire from China’s increasingly-affluent middle class for independent travel to Australia, and he expects other travel providers to follow. “All the businesses listed on Experience Oz, from a boat tour operator in Perth to hot air ballooning in Cairns, now have their information and products available to book in Chinese,” he says.
In Sydney, Captain Cook Cruises, part of the SeaLink Travel Group, is now accepting payments through China's UnionPay credit cards through its online booking engine. www.captaincook.com.au (ATI).