The Thai Canal: A Vision or Mirage?
By Robert Horn on September 26, 2017The Thai (Kra) Canal may not yet be an idea whose time has come, but it does appear to be on the horizon . . .
Friday, February 7 2025 | ASIA TODAY INTERNATIONAL - Reporting the Business that Matters in Asia
The Thai (Kra) Canal may not yet be an idea whose time has come, but it does appear to be on the horizon . . .
BUILDING China’s New Economy will require international help and expertise. Therein lies the opportunity . . .
IN A RARE backdown, Thailand’s military Government has reversed course on new foreign labour laws, stung by the impact of its measures on Thai industry and especially those in the SME sector . . .
TWENTY years after a bitter falling out, former Prime Minister Mahathir and his then-deputy, Anwar Ibrahim, have come together in a bid to reshape Malaysian politics . . .
THE parlous state of the North Korean economy is hardly conducive to success in any open military confrontation with the United States. Kim Jong-Un’s most valuable bargaining chip would seem to be his country’s human and mineral resources . . .
THE Jakarta election is a precursor to how race and religion may play a role in Indonesia's upcoming 2019 Presidential election . . .
DONALD TRUMP is listening – and providing assurances. There are issues of more immediate economic and political relevance to the U.S. in Asia today than there are in Europe, and a Tokyo-Washington axis beckons, with China as an interested party . . .
EVEN China has become an ‘enemy state’ in the shrill rhetoric being spouted by a belligerent North Korea. But is it a symptom of fear felt by the young leadership as China, and to a lesser extent, Russia, join in world isolation of the Hermit Kingdom . . .
A NEW phenomenon is sweeping Asia as new leaders emerge, and the accepted norms of political mores are swept aside . . .