ATI Magazine June/July 2017

ATI Magazine June/July 2017
North Korea – a land of no good options - 12 current U.S. military scenarios generally assume a loss of half a million people within a day in the event of a North Korean attack on Seoul. With the current nuclear imbroglio at stalemate, Kim Jong-un’s most valuable bargaining chip would seem to be his country’s human and mineral resources.
Jakarta poll stirs fires of racism – A precursor to how race and religion may play in the 2019 Presidential campaign?
The challenge for UMNO – former PM Mahathir and then-deputy Anwar Ibrahim have made peace in a bid to reshape Malaysian politics.
Indonesia primed for manufacturing – now the top priority in terms of attracting FDI.
Less ‘impulsive’ China braces for slower growth.
Buy American, Hire American –
how it works.
Writing those OBOR contracts – Opportunity for Australian providers as Hong Kong positions for lead role.
A second, bigger CBD for Hong Kong.